If you are divorcing, you will also need to sort out the financial side of the marriage. If you would like to avoid potentially lengthy and expensive Court proceedings then it is useful to know what your options are in reaching an agreement. Here is a quick guide to those options:-
- Speak to your spouse. If you can agree things between you then you are likely to remain on more amicable terms and you may well be happier with what has been agreed. This may help you feel that you can discuss other issues with them (such as the children) moving forward.
- Alternatively you could both attend Mediation. The idea is that you discuss matters with an independent and impartial Mediator present and he or she can facilitate your discussions and assist you in reaching an agreement.
- Another option is to go to a Collaborative Lawyer. You will both need to see your own Collaborative Lawyer but they will then arrange a meeting (known as a four way meeting) in order to discuss your finances and try to reach an agreement.
- Instruct separate Solicitors to negotiate upon your behalf. The aim is to avoid Court proceedings if possible and it is sensible to find a Solicitor who is a member of Resolution, who will adopt a non-confrontational approach to your issues and seek to reach an amicable agreement upon your behalf.